2018 Union Night LA Galaxy
The Los Angeles Dodgers, LA Galaxy and San Francisco Giants are among professional sports teams that host Union Nights for fans and union supporters.
At the Giants’ Union Night on Aug. 27, the S.F. Labor Council is coordinating sales of individual and group tickets, which include custom T-shirts, tailgate party, raffle, and locals’ names on the videoboard.
The Dodgers’ and Galaxy’s Union Nights, Aug. 31 and Sept. 29, respectively, are co-presented by Labor 411 and the L.A. Federation of Labor. Attendees also get perks, such as T-shirts and special recognition for groups of 50 or more.

2018 Union Night Dodgers
The events are a great way to show solidarity, represent your local, and — if you sit in the designated union sections — meet new colleagues.
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