Chula Vista Educators (CVE) begin Work-to-Rule in response to a salary offer that raises class size.
Salt Creek Elementary
At sites across the Chula Vista Elementary School District, hundreds of educators organized an official “Walk-out Wednesday” to send a clear message in their negotiations with Chula Vista Elementary School District (CVESD); CVE is not interested in a contract settlement that increases class size and adversely impacts one-on-one instructional time with their students.
At the Clear View Elementary walk-out, CVE President Susan Skala stated it plainly; “While we continue to negotiate in good faith, we cannot accept an offer on the backs of our students by placing them in already overcrowded classrooms.”

The walk-outs mark the beginning on CVE’s “Work to Rule” action; teachers will no longer contribute additional volunteer hours that are outside of contract requirements.

Parents joined in support of their local educators, cheering as they exited the school and ready to stand behind teachers’ efforts. Clear View parent Kate Bishop expressed her support and had a recommendation for CVESD officials; “The Board needs to listen to teachers. Those educators know what our students need-and if we can’t keep them if we don’t pay them a fair wage.”
Juarez-Lincoln Elementary

As the CVE bargaining team returns to the table, members will continue their action to raise awareness about the impact of increasing class size unnecessarily.
“In the end, we want a fair settlement that will strengthen our education community in Chula Vista”, said Skala. “Students deserve nothing less and CVE members will continue to stand together toward that goal.”
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