Being part of our union means that collectively we can accomplish so much more for the good of public education and our colleagues than any of us could ever achieve individually. Looking back on the past school year, I think we have much to be proud of as CTA members stood strong and organized together for each other and their students.
Up and down the state, educators believed in each other, they believed in their union, and they demanded their school districts to deliver more for students and for the profession. Whether it was in campaigns for strong contracts, or in fighting for human rights and social justice, collective action delivered real results that will have lasting impacts for our students and communities. Dozens of chapters participated in the first statewide Week of Action for Community Schools. CTA members organized across school sites and school districts to raise awareness about Community Schools and demand shared governance from district administrators. Several chapters worked together on their actions. This unity is going to be critical in the months and years ahead as we continue the fight for Community Schools and the future of public education.
We also saw powerful examples at the state level of members coming together to demand change. CTA-sponsored legislation for paid pregnancy leave for educators and for eliminating the California Teaching Performance Assessments (CalTPAs) have overcome major hurdles and are making their way through the Legislature. Thousands of letters with personal stories from CTA members to lawmakers and our lobby days at the Capitol have been critical to ensuring these bills continue to move forward.
“We’re a union that knows how to win, and we have the collective power of 310,000 members to move forward.”
One of the biggest fights we faced together this year was the state budget. In the face of a multibillion-dollar revenue shortfall, Gov. Gavin Newsom proposed to reduce guaranteed education funding from Proposition 98. But we fought back and we refused to back down. Ultimately, CTA was able to reach an agreement with the Newsom administration.
The successes this year put us in a stronger position for the challenges we face as we move forward together. We all know that our schools remain underfunded, and we need to keep up our fight to maintain and increase the resources invested in our classrooms. California corporations now pay 50% less in taxes than they did just a few decades ago. Those tax breaks are part of the budget problem, and they make CEOs and billionaires even wealthier on the backs of our students. CTA will fight for corporations and the wealthy to pay their fair share and we will continue to do everything in our power to ensure our students and schools get the funding they deserve.
Those challenges are surmountable because we’re a union that knows how to win, and we have the collective power of 310,000 members to move forward. I’m proud of what each of you has accomplished for each other and for your students this year; I hope you have a restful summer as we gear up to meet the opportunities and challenges of the coming school year.
David B. Goldberg
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