WHETHER YOU ARE retiring in a few weeks or years from now, there are reasons you’ll want to continue your membership in CTA and NEA. CTA/NEA-Retired is the active and robust branch of CTA/NEA that belongs to our retired educators.
As a retired member you continue to stay connected, be protected and enjoy the benefits you had as a CTA/NEA Active member.
Retired members offer invaluable perspectives and institutional knowledge. They provide a strong voice for education retirees in California and the nation, promoting the interests of retirees by working to set policy that will affect current educators into the future. We represent retirees on CTA’s State Council of Education and nationally on the NEA Board of Directors and at the Representative Assembly.
The CTA/NEA Retiree Advocate newsletter, published quarterly and available on the CTA/NEA-Retired webpage (cta.org/retired), keeps members up to date on the activities, issues and accomplishments of the state organization and its local chapters. Local CTA/NEA-Retired chapters offer opportunities for members to socialize with former colleagues and make new friends (e.g., interesting informative speakers, happy hours, museum tours, movie nights, concerts, etc.). When there is an interest, our local chapters provide opportunities to become involved in elections and legislative campaigns at the local, state and national level. Staying connected includes visiting our webpage and Facebook page (facebook.com/ctanearetired).
CTA/NEA-Retired devotes much of its time to serving the combined interests of retired teachers, educators, higher education instructors and education support professionals. In concert with CTA and NEA, CTA/NEA-Retired maintains a watch on federal and state legislation that may affect retirement benefits. We monitor the CalSTRS and CalPERS board meetings and their actions to protect the retirement security of current and retired educators. Our members also play an active role in lobbying for legislation that benefits educators and retired workers.
This past year CTA sponsored — and CTA/NEA-Retired helped push through — legislation to bring changes in CalSTRS by supporting two bills protecting retired educators. The governor signed into law AB 1667, which protects promised benefits by establishing a process to improve accuracy and transparency. The bill ensures that retired members are not held liable for prior overpayments to them in cases caused by employer or administrative error. It helps ensure the accuracy of reporting compensation to CalSTRS by employers and will minimize financial harm to retirees. Also signed was SB 868 to establish equitable use of excess CalSTRS funds in the Supplemental Benefit Maintenance Account to help the oldest members of the STRS, those left out of later pension enhancements.
This advocacy includes working with NEA and NEA-Retired to repeal the unfair Social Security penalties known as Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), opposing efforts to privatize Social Security, and working to strengthen Medicare.
If you are retired or retiring, you don’t have to lose your CTA/NEA benefits. Membership in CTA/NEA-Retired, the only retiree organization affiliated with CTA and NEA, includes receiving NEA Today for Retired Members and California Educator magazines. These provide updates on the education scene and tips on Medicare, taxes, investing and more. Membership allows individuals to continue to participate in the many economic benefits available to active members including:
• $1 million professional liability insurance, when substituting
after retirement
• CTA Disaster Relief assistance, which gives grants, not loans
• Discounts and special rates through CTA & NEA Member
Benefits, including Medicare supplements, dental and vision
options, auto and home insurance, hearing aids, car rental and a
host of retail purchase perks.
• CTA Group Legal Services (GLS), which annually provides
retired members one hour of free legal consultation about health
and welfare benefits, substitute employment, and one-half hour
for personal matters.
Join Today
Membership in one of CTA/NEARetired’s 31 chapters (organized by region) provides something for everyone. What do you want to accomplish during your retirement years? Travel? Volunteer or work part-time? Pursue hobbies? Membership will deliver its rewards throughout your lifetime, but first you must join.
Dues go up on September 1!
Active members, those still working, may join as Pre-retired Lifetime members. A one-time $550 payment covers your dues so that when you retire your dues are already paid for life. (Effective September 1, 2023, one-time Lifetime dues will be $600.)
Once you retire, in addition to Lifetime, you have two options, annual or monthly pension deduction. Annual by check or credit card is $80 and pension deduction is $5.40 monthly (deducted from CalSTRS or CalPERS pension). On September 1 these increase to $85 and $5.70, respectively.
Joining is simple. Go to cta.org/retired. Scroll down to “Join CTA/NEA-Retired” to join online. Or you may download the brochure with the printed application form to be completed and mailed to CTA at 1705 Murchison Dr.,
Burlingame, CA 94010.
Make no mistake. Retirement is a new adventure. Keeping links to CTA and NEA makes navigating that adventure a bit more comfortable professionally, socially and economically.
For membership questions or more information, call 650-552-5439 or email CTA-Retired@cta.org.
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