As of June 1, 2023, CCA has redistricted its 15 geographical districts. This plan was approved at the Fall 2022 CCA State Council, and elections for the new districts were held during the Spring 2023 CCA Conference and Council. As part of CTA and NEA, CCA must review its geographical districts every three years to ensure it maintains a membership balance.
Similar to the way the U.S. House of Representatives redistricts (except without the gerrymandering), the CCA Governance Committee pulls the official membership numbers for every chapter and then examines the geographical districts to ensure the numbers fall within +/- 10% of the mean. In 2022, the mean was 673 members for each of the 15 districts.
As part of the redistricting, CCA reduced the number of multi-director districts to one, with the district letters expanding from A to N. To locate your district director, refer to the CCA Board Directory on the CCA website under the About tab. Members can also locate their board director’s information, including the director’s new email address (
Geographical directors liaise with chapter presidents, sharing and collecting information about bargaining, advocacy and membership, and reporting that information in the monthly CCA Board Meetings. The board also includes eight at-large directors (north and south) representing BIPOC Equity and Justice, Women’s Rights and Issues, LGBTQ+ and Part-time Faculty, and the four CCA officers.
The board is responsible for the fiduciary activities of the association, including hosting the three annual CCA conferences, advocating at the state level with other faculty organizations and with the California Legislature and governor and providing various other trainings and representation of faculty to ensure faculty rights are voiced and upheld. Additionally, CCA serves as an advising and support system for our chapters.
CCA has ongoing opportunities for involvement, including on one of the seven CCA committees: Elections, Faculty Equity and Diversity, Legislation and Advocacy, Membership Development, Part-time Faculty Issues, Policy and Safety. Committees are a great way to get involved at the state level and learn about the work of CCA. In addition, half of the board of directors and two officers are elected each year with limits of a maximum of three full terms served in a position.
Members can also serve as delegates to each of the two CCA state councils (fall and spring). If you are interested in serving in CCA, please contact your chapter president and request that your name be forwarded as a delegate, potential committee member or board candidate. More information can be found on the CCA website at
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