Today, Educators, Parents, Community Organizers, State Education Leaders to Hold Virtual News Conference to Mark California’s Historic Commitment to Community Schools
Governor Newsom, SPI Tony Thurmond and SBE Pres. Linda Darling-Hammond Join Event
BURLINGAME – Transformative change is on the horizon for many public schools after the recent approval of $649 million in grants to create and expand community schools in California – part of California’s seven-year, $3 billion investment in community schools, the largest in the nation.
Today at 11 a.m., CTA President E. Toby Boyd and Vice President David Goldberg will be joined by Governor Gavin Newsom; State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond; State Board of Education President Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond; Dr. Karen Hunter Quartz, Director, UCLA Center for Community Schooling; Californians for Justice; and local community, parent, student and educator organizers for a virtual press conference to discuss the significance of California’s investment in community schools. Community schools are particularly relevant after a pandemic that has exposed the racial, economic and learning divides that get in the way of student success.
“The traditional school year may be coming to a close for many students, but our work on community schools is just beginning,” said CTA President E. Toby Boyd. “Educators know it will take resources, support and a community effort to create schools that disrupt poverty. It is going to require meaningful educator, community and parent engagement to give all students the schools they deserve with a robust curriculum, support services and a commitment to shared leadership.”
WHO: The California Teachers Association is hosting a virtual news conference to celebrate California’s historic commitment to community schools, the largest in the nation.
Toby Boyd, CTA President
Gavin Newsom, Governor, State of California
Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond, President, State Board of Education
David Goldberg, CTA Vice President
Tony Thurmond, State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Dr. Karen Hunter Quartz, Director, UCLA Center for Community Schooling
Joel Vaca, Community School Coordinator, Los Angeles School of Global Studies, Los Angeles
Diana Matias Carillo, 11th grade student, Fremont High School, Oakland, Californians for Justice
Karla Garcia, parent of a rising 6th grader at Palms Elementary School, Los Angeles, and member of Palms Community Schools Leadership Council
Francisco Ortiz, 5th grade teacher and Vice President, United Teachers Richmond
WHAT: Virtual News Conference on California’s transformative commitment to community schools
WHEN: Monday, June 6, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.
WHERE: Credentialed media only. RSVP to for Zoom link to join. Spanish speakers available. Also available via Facebook Live.
Community schools are built on four pillars: 1) providing services for students that address barriers to learning, including health, mental health or social service needs, 2) providing added academic support and real-world learning opportunities like internships, 3) family and community engagement, and 4) collaborative leadership that establishes a culture of shared responsibility.
Take a closer look at CTA’s leadership and advocacy on community schools. More than 268 school districts and county offices of education were recently awarded community schools planning and implementation grants around the state.
The 310,000-member California Teachers Association is affiliated with the 3-million-member National Education Association.