California Educators Condemn Violence Against Asian American Community

‘Ours is a broken society when we can no longer work, live and breathe in peace in our very own neighborhoods… Not one more life!’

BURLINGAME – California Teachers Association President E. Toby Boyd issued this statement mourning the lives lost in Atlanta, Georgia in a string of violence against Asian American women, and the recent acts of violence against Asian Americans across the nation:

“Our hearts are heavy. While there are no words to express the sorrow we feel by the pain and loss in our Asian American communities here in California and across this nation, we stand in strong solidarity condemning these racist, hateful acts of violence deeply rooted in white supremacy. Ours is a broken society when we can no longer work, live and breathe in peace in our very own neighborhoods and communities. Today, we say to all who hear this: Not one more life!

“COVID-19 has raged throughout our communities and continues to threaten our health and safety. The suffering and impact of the pandemic is endless, and we will not tolerate the targeting and scapegoating of our Asian American communities. In the past year, nearly 4,000 cases of racial discrimination against Asian American Pacific Islanders have been reported that include verbal harassment and shunning, physical assault, civil rights violations and online harassment. More than 1,500 of these violations happened right here in California. Real systemic and structural change takes more than a catchy hashtag or phrase. It’s transformation of the heart that allows us to see each other in the most respectful manner while honoring our most basic human and civil rights. It’s transformative when we not only acknowledge we have work to do as individuals and as a people, but commit to taking real actions to make change.

“Our job as educators is ever more challenging today as we grapple with explaining to our students how racism continues to affect our families and communities. But we rise to the challenge in the name of racial and social justice and are fully committed to continuing the work that others before us started… in our schools, classrooms and communities.”

CTA encourages everyone to join us in creating spaces to have conversations, build community and solidarity to address root causes of hate and violence. Here are ways to get involved and take action:


The 310,000-member CTA is affiliated with the 3-million-member National Education Association.