California Educators Praise Historic Nomination of Julie Su for Labor Secretary, Urge U.S. Senate to Confirm Quickly

President Biden’s Announced Cabinet Choice a Champion for Workers’ and Women’s Rights; Policy Enforcement Benefitting Millions

SACRAMENTO — California educators praise President Joe Biden’s announced intent to nominate Julie Su as the next Labor Secretary and strongly urge the Senate to confirm her. California Teachers Association President E. Toby Boyd issued the following statement today:

“We join the chorus of praise for the impending nomination of Deputy Secretary Julie Su as the next Labor Secretary to serve on President Joe Biden’s cabinet and call on the Senate to confirm quickly. Julie has done exceptional work standing up for workers’ and women’s rights, seeking justice for immigrant workers and enforcing wage theft protections. She has done an outstanding job as Deputy Secretary of Labor, and her record in California fighting human trafficking and enforcing labor standards proves she is more than qualified for the job.

“Equally important is Julie’s leadership representing the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. This historic nomination as this nation’s first AAPI Cabinet member shows young AAPI women that there’s no dream too big to accomplish, no star too far to reach.”


The 310,000-member California Teachers Association is affiliated with the 3 million-member National Education Association.