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Submit a Letter of Support
If you’re a Chapter President, join our efforts to win paid pregnancy leave for educators by submitting a letter of support.
Join our efforts by urging your local school board to pass a resolution in support of pregnancy leave.
CTA Secretary-Treasurer Erika Jones in the Wall Street Journal on our fight for pregnancy leave for educators.
The Time is Now
Let’s fix a broken system that leaves educators without any paid disability related to pregnancy! AB 65 will end a status quo that disproportionately discriminates against women.
AB 65 will:
- Provide 14 weeks of pregnancy leave and help retain educators during a historic educator shortage.
- Stop public school educators from having to choose to get by with less pay or “schedule” pregnancies based on the school calendar.
- End the discriminatory practice of forcing women to deplete their leave balances to bear children.
- Close the $100,000 gap in retirement that women earn compared to their male colleagues.
Add your name to support the passage of AB 65 (Aguiar-Curry), historic legislation that will finally give Paid Pregnancy Leave to educators.
Sample Social Media Posts
- The Pregnancy Leave for Educators Act would bring up to 14 weeks of paid leave to educators recovering from pregnancy. This is a standard worldwide. The time is now! #CALeg We urge your support for #AB65
- Did you know that when a California educator goes out on pregnancy leave, they have to pay for their substitute when they run out of the few sick days they have? #AB65
- Female teachers earn almost $100,000 less in retirement than their male colleagues. Protecting sick leave after pregnancy with #AB65 would right that wrong.
- Under current California law, educators must make the decision to either “schedule” pregnancies based on the school calendar or try to get by with less pay. We can change that by passing #AB65!
- More than three-quarters of educators are female. #AB65 would provide pregnancy leave and help retain educators during a historic educator shortage!