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The second Trump Administration will have a large impact on immigration policies affecting students, schools, and communities. Here’s what you need to know to prepare.

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The California immigration website offers resources that can help answer questions about public programs, a families’ mixed immigration status, or what federal immigration policies mean.

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Image of a person with holding a child.

Attorney General Rob Bonta Issues Guidance on Educational Rights of Immigrant Students and Their Families

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Ongoing Support for Our Immigrant Families

We will keep this page updated with resources and information. Here, you will find details about California’s plans to support students, educators, and families in the coming years, as well as Know Your Rights resources for our communities.

DACA & Immigration Resources

Resources for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and other essential immigration information.

Know Your Rights Red Cards

All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. Red Cards help people assert their rights and defend themselves against ICE’s unconstitutional actions. These are available in multiple languages.

Ice Raids and How to Protect Our Students and Communities

Know Your Rights.

In January 2025, the Trump administration rescinded the federal government’s preexisting policy of limiting ICE arrests, interviews, or searches at schools and other sensitive locations. 

Under state law and model policies promulgated by California Attorney General Rob Bonta, however, California schools should continue to strive to ensure that they are safe havens for schools and families.

What to do if an immigration-enforcement officer comes to your school.

Schools are responsible for students in their care and should be aware of who is on their campus. Attendance falls when there is fear in the community connected to a local ICE raid.

Teachers, yard duty supervisors, and other school staff have the responsibility to protect students and should not be placed in a position to make a decision that might interfere with ICE agents. To avoid confusion and anxiety, the principal should coordinate with ICE agents if necessary.

Please refer to the Immigration-Enforcement Actions at California Schools: A Guide for Students and Families at the link.

Make sure students and parents understand their rights. You can make sure your students have access to information about their rights if the district makes the information available.

  • Do not inquire or make assumptions about students’ immigration status.
  • Either provide resources only to students who ask for them or make information and resources available to all students. If your district does not make information available to students, you may direct them to a resource or organization.

Work with your district to develop policy and pass a resolution declaring your schools “safe zones” for all students. Sample policy language and resolution can be found here.

The federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prohibits a school district from disclosing personally identifiable information in student education records. On the other hand, school districts can disclose “directory information” without consent unless families have opted out. Make sure:

  • District and educators do not include immigration status in education records.
  • District does not include place of birth in directory information and parents know they can opt out of directory information disclosure.
  • District does not release data without subpoena and legal advice.
  • Immediately refer ICE agents to the district office or principal’s office.
  • Call United We Dream’s hotline (1866-853-2728) for questions or to report a raid. You can also send an email to
  • If possible, take photos and videos, and notes on what happened during the raid.

Ensure that a parent, guardian or designee is present if a student is questioned by an enforcement agent on school grounds and:

  • Ask to see the enforcement agent’s credentials and warrants.
  • Ask the enforcement agent why he or she wants to interview a student to make sure that the reason is within the scope of ICE’s authority.
  • Ask the enforcement agent what evidence of reasonable suspicion he or she has to justify interview.
  • Encourage enforcement agents to interview students outside of school hours and off school grounds.

Our Position on Immigration Reform

Our union advocates for immigration policy that includes due process, political asylum, and timely legalization without regard to national origin.

Immigration policies should guarantee human rights and protect the integrity of the family unit without discrimination; we support immigration policies that keep families together. Regardless of immigration status of students or their parents, every student has the right to a free public education free from harassment. 

California has always been a place for dreamers and we support safe-haven schools and sanctuary cities that reflect and embrace the diversity of our students and their families, as well as the rich language and cultural assets they bring to our communities. 

What We're Fighting For

The nation and the state must eliminate by statute and practice, barriers of race, color, national origin, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital status, economic status and genetic characteristics that prevent some individuals, adult or juvenile, from exercising rights enjoyed by others. 

These rights include liberties decreed in common law, the Constitution, and statutes of the United States.

Every student attending a public school in California is entitled to equal access to all educational opportunities. This access shall not be denied because of gender discrimination, ethnicity, language, special needs, immigration status, or socio-economic status. 

The goal of public education is to provide students with the skills necessary to become responsible and healthy members of society. 

(CRE: March 1994, March 2001, June 2006, November 2009, April 2010, May 2017) 
