Membership processing is a continuous job to maintain accurate membership information for the local chapter and CTA. A chapter’s Membership Contact assists the local with these responsibilities:
- Helps in communicating with, recruiting, and maintaining members
- Assists in distributing membership materials, such as membership cards and enrollment forms
- Promote local, CTA, and NEA member benefits
- Facilitate in membership engagement activities
- Help communication between local, CTA, and school district to resolve membership issues
By maintaining accurate and updated member information, your chapter and CTA can effectively communicate with members about events, benefits, educational issues, and political activities.
Membership Processing Workshops
Learn about membership processing best practices and the role of a Membership Chair by attending a CTA Membership Processing Workshop webinar. CTA Membership department staff will provide:
- An overview of the Membership Contact role
- Highlights on the CTA Membership Handbook for processing guidelines
- An overview of membership enrollment options, Maintenance of Dues, and drop requests
- Important due dates and timelines
- CTA provided resources and materials available for local chapter leaders
Register for an Upcoming Membership Processing Webinar
Unable to attend a LIVE training session? Visit our CTA Membership channel on YouTube where you can find a previous recorded session and other training videos. Don’t forget to click ‘Subscribe’ so you receive updates when new videos are released.