What is a Valid Membership Drop Request?
A written request to drop Union membership must be submitted by the individual member to the Local Chapter President, either by U.S. Mail or hand-delivered. This request must be made personally by the member on their own behalf and cannot be submitted over the phone or via email.
Requirements for the Written Request
The written request must include:
- Member’s First and Last Name
- CTA Membership Identification Number (if known)
- Home Address
- Name of Local Chapter
- Date of Request
- Formal Statement Requesting Membership Drop
- Original Signature (photocopies or e-signatures are not acceptable)
Delivery Instructions
The letter must be delivered:
- Personally hand-delivered to the Local Chapter President, or
- Via U.S. Mail to the Local Chapter President
- The Chapter President may also designate a local chapter office with staff to receive the document
Membership Commitment vs. Dues Authorization:
Active Members who have signed an enrollment form or commitment card are required to pay membership dues. By signing, members agree to:
- Join as a Member of the Union
- Authorize continuous payroll deductions, which can only be revoked within their designated drop window
While membership can be cancelled at any time by following the defined drop procedures, individuals dropping membership outside their window remain obligated to pay dues and will be considered a Non-Member
Eligibility to Revoke Dues Authorization:
Members may only revoke their dues deduction authorization during their annual 30-day window, which opens 60 days before the signature date on their enrollment form.
Click the button below to use the calculator for determining the drop window.
Drop Process Timeframe:
Reasonable efforts should be made to process valid drop requests within 15 working days after the request is received by the Local Chapter President.
Steps to the Drop Process for Chapter Leaders:
- Receipt of the Request
- Chapter President/Local Representative receive written request from the member to drop Active Membership
- Validate the request meets written drop requirements
- Verify Commitment Date
- Use CTA 360 to confirm member’s commitment date and their eligibility to revoke dues authorization
- Members outside of their drop window cannot stop payroll dues deductions until a request is received within their window
- Member Outreach and Engagement
- Engage with the member to discuss the benefits of membership and the potential consequences of dropping
- Submit the Request to CTA Membership Accounting
- If the member decides to proceed, send a copy of the written drop request to CTA Membership along with their stated reason for dropping
- CTA Membership will handle the administrative processing and confirmation notices
The complete drop process overview, scenario explanations, and resource materials can be found in the CTA Membership Handbook.
For further clarification or assistance, please reach out to your CTA Membership staff.