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Local CTA chapters may apply for the following grants. Contact your CTA Primary Contact Staff for more information and assistance with your applications.

This CTA grant program provides release time to local union presidents to lead and carry out a site-based organizing program within their chapter. All local chapters that meet the criteria, are willing to do site-based organizing work, and submit a timely application will be accepted into the program.

This CTA grant program provides release time to local union presidents to lead and carry out a site-based organizing program within their chapter. All local chapters that meet the criteria, are willing to do site-based organizing work, and submit a timely application will be accepted into the program.

The program launched in January 2024 and will run through June 2025 in three semester programs: Spring 2024, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025. Presidents will have the opportunity to apply for and join the program at the start of each new semester.

Applications for the Spring 2025 semester are now closed! 

Local presidents currently on full-time release cannot apply for additional release time through this program. They may submit for Organizing Project support instead. More details here.

Provides financial resources to local chapters to support the development of a strategic organizing and member engagement plan as part of the CTA Organizing Plan. This grant program supports a local planning process that utilizes the Our Local Union Strength and the Checklist for a Well-Organized Worksite planning tools. CTA staff support, training, and materials are available to assist in planning and conducting an effective local planning meeting.

Provides member release time to local chapters to support worksite visits as part of the CTA Organizing Plan. CTA staff support, training, and materials are available to assist in planning an effective local site visit program.

Provides support for local chapters for new or supplemental member engagement programs that have clear measurable goals for membership engagement, including recruitment and involvement of new members and engagement of existing members. Programs should include building capacity through high engagement strategies, identification of new leaders, and building distributive leadership within the chapter. These grants are funded 1/3 by the chapter and 2/3 by CTA. For chapters with 100 members or fewer, CTA will fund 100% of the approved grant.

Provides funds for outreach activities to many communities including the Asian Pacific, Latino, African American, Native American, Jewish American, LGBTQ+, and Labor communities, including contributions to and collaboration with groups promoting common educational interest.

Provides funds to assist local chapters with the development of community engagement teams and plans. Grants shall provide seed money for establishing ongoing relationships with a cross-section of community-based groups supportive of public education.

Additional Grants Information

For more information on grants available to individual CTA members, click here.

For more information on grants available from the National Education Association, click here.

Download a copy of our informational grant flyers (one page; two page).
