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Directions And Comments For The Conference Report Form

We hope your recent attendance at the conference was an enjoyable and worthwhile experience. In order to share this information including evaluating continuing attending this or other similar conference by others in the future we ask you to exercise due diligence and your best professional judgment in completing the Conference Form.

Preparing In Advance

Please review the content of the conference, CTA policy, and recent CTA positions and information.

For Instance:

A. Major Topics Discussed (Key areas for CTA attention)

[This should be more than a mere listing of topics. What key learning’s occurred, and how can this information be best utilized? What do you think others, and CTA should know about what was covered in this conference, and how? There is a difference in getting to the point, and having no point. How much information and what information is enough?]

B. Recommendation for Action by CTA (Only complete this section if policy recommendation)

[Recommendations should be specific and should be something which can be accomplished. Please include rationale. For example: It is recommended that the following information be considered for sharing with others. It is recommended that CTA not attend this conference in the future because… It is recommended that CTA consider responding to a request for proposal from this organization that sponsors the conference to present information on.]

C. Other(s) – How was the conference used to network, if at all, to get CTA’s message out? What was the single most important thing? Any other comment – in your judgment you want CTA to be aware of?

In addition:

1. If the conference is offered next year, would you recommend that CTA participate [Yes/No?] Please explain why.

2. How did the conference have application to your classroom/worksite?

Conference Report Form

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This should be more than a mere listing of topics. What key learning’s occurred, and how can this information be best utilized? What do you think others, and CTA should know about what was covered in this conference, and how? There is a difference in getting to the point, and having no point. How much information and what information is enough?
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY