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Awareness Holidays
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.
Better Speech and Hearing Month
Calendar of Events
S Sun
M Mon
T Tue
W Wed
T Thu
F Fri
S Sat
2 events,
2023 CCA Spring Conference
2023 CCA Spring Conference
The Community College Association Spring Conference will take place in-person from April 28-30, 2023.
El Día de los Niños
El Día de los Niños
El Día de los Niños is celebrated annually on April 30 as a tribute to children in Mexico.
2 events,
NEA Executive Committee Meeting
International Workers’ Day
International Workers’ Day
International Workers' Day, also known as Labor Day in most countries, is celebrated on May 1st every year.
2 events,
National Teacher Day
1 event,
0 events,
4 events,
Japanese Children’s Day
Japanese Children’s Day
Children's Day is a Japanese national holiday which takes place annually on May 5 and is the final celebration in...
2023 Political Academies
Cinco de Mayo
NEA Board of Directors Meeting
1 event,
2023 Political Academies
1 event,
Teacher Appreciation Week
2 events,
CTA Board of Directors Meeting
4 events,
School Nurse Day
School Nurse Day
A day to celebrate and thank school nurses for taking care of our children and advocating for improved health services...
Day of the Teacher
Day of the Teacher
The California Day of the Teacher honors the instructional excellence in our public schools, community colleges and universities.
1 event,
0 events,
1 event,
Mother’s Day
1 event,
Education Support Professionals Week
Education Support Professionals Week
A week to show ESPs how much we appreciate the work they do to keep our schools safe, healthy and...
2 events,
CTA ESP Day is celebrated every Tuesday within Education Support Professionals Week.
1 event,
1 event,
2 events,
May 2023 State Council of Education
2 events,
Armed Forces Day
2 events,
May 2023 State Council of Education
1 event,
Harvey Milk Day
Harvey Milk Day
On May 22 we honor Harvey Milk, the first openly gay politician in California and an advocate for civil rights...
0 events,
0 events,
1 event,
Shavuot (Begins)
Shavuot (Begins)
Shavuot will begin in the evening of Thursday, May 25 and end on the evening of Saturday, May 27.
1 event,
Buddha’s Birthday
Buddha’s Birthday
Buddha's birthday is observed annually on the Sunday nearest to the full moon in May.