The CTA Teaching, Learning and Life During COVID-19 Facebook group
It's hard to believe it’s been over three months since we first created our closed Facebook group, “CTA Teaching, Learning and Life During COVID-19.” The group quickly grew to CTA’s largest online space for members to engage with each other. It has evolved into an important tool for educators to get lesson ideas, ask questions of other educators, share messages of hope and gratitude, and stay informed on important education advocacy issues. We asked members what the group has meant for them.
Emily Smith Lints
We are so isolated at home, and here I can see lots of other people going through the same frustrations. It’s a great place to get resources, laughs and collegiality. Plus, it’s a safe space to ask and answer questions.
Eri Carrillo Jr.
I love to see that I’M NOT ALONE. [I’ve] also been able to pick up pointers on how to make this “trip” bearable.
Melody Cardenas
I’ve learned that educators are not only resilient, but also extremely funny and creative. Most of what I have read has been positive and supportive. It reminds me that I am not in this alone.
Rebecca Anne Recco
This is a way to connect with teachers and share ideas. Since we are in a “building the plane as we’re flying it” situation, we’re all really left to figure things out for ourselves. It’s been cool to see what others are doing that works (or doesn’t) when I’m stuck.
Luci Nunes
This group helped me stay informed of what’s happening with other schools and educators, how they’re coping, etc. I have gained insights to share with my chapter’s FB group as their Communications/Member Engagement Chairperson.
Patty Leming
I love the spirit of collaboration; teachers brainstorming ideas on how to conduct distance teaching and how to safely open schools for students and staff. The funny posts about teaching in these crazy times are a great distraction. It really does help to feel connected to other educators.
Liane Roberts
I needed to be with people who understand and share my professional and emotional struggles! The support is amazing! The resources and knowledge I’ve gained is beyond words! We are a tribe like no other!
Nelida Nena Rubio
There is nothing more valuable than peer collaboration, and this platform has been the perfect venue for teachers teaching teachers. The group not only supports each other with academics, but also provides socialemotional support and union issues advice.
Sarah Colomer
I’ve learned that teachers are resilient! This group has helped me to focus on what’s important — students — and how best to serve them with the hand we’ve been dealt. Specifically, I’ve accessed many mini-professional development sessions on how to use Google Meet and Classroom.
Kimberly Nguyen
This group [lets] me see how teachers are handling all aspects of distance learning, from digital platforms to parent communication, to district mandates, to wish lists for what we’d like to see before opening again. It has given me inspiration and confidence in my evolving craft.
Tell Us What You Want
We’re committed to making this group useful for educators now and in the future. What would you like to see? Email social@cta.org or tell us in the group!
Coming soon:
- Better organization of posts and threads, new topics and categories.
- FB chats and more “live” opportunities.
- Opportunities for new educators to connect with veteran educators.