Our nation needs compassionate leadership to break through the political divisiveness and remind Americans how great we can be when we work together. Right now, our country needs Joe Biden as President of the United States.
After four years of an anti-public school agenda, educators are ready to elect leaders to the White House who see us, understand the promise of public education and will fight alongside us for the schools all students deserve.
“You are the most important profession in the United States,” Biden told educators at the NEA Representative Assembly. “You are the ones that give these kids wings. You give them confidence. You let them believe in themselves. You equip them.”
And with Biden’s historic selection of Sen. Kamala Harris as his vice president, voters have the chance to support two steady, informed and compassionate leaders when we need them most – our schools and communities deserve nothing less.
“We could not be prouder of having Sen. Harris, who is a product of California public schools, as Joe Biden’s vice president,” says CTA President E. Toby Boyd. “She is the change-maker we need alongside Joe Biden as the next commander-in-chief to get our country on the right track again.”