“After a tough pandemic year, we welcome Gov. Newsom’s May Revise budget proposal for its historic commitment to public education and the support California students need.”
—CTA President E. Toby Boyd
In his revised state budget of $267.8 billion submitted in May, Gov. Gavin Newsom proposed spending California’s $100 billion windfall on schools, small businesses, homelessness and more. His education proposals of note, in billions:
- $93.7 – Proposition 98 funding for public schools and community colleges — nearly $14,000 per student.
- $17.3 – Federal aid for K-12 schools and community colleges.
- $5.0 – After-school and summer school programs in districts with the most low-income students, over five years.
- $3.3 – Educator training and retention programs.
- $3.0 – To convert 1,400 districts and charter schools to full-service community schools.
- $2.7 – To extend transitional kindergarten to all 4-year-olds, phased in by 2024-25.
- $2.6 – High-intensity, in-school tutoring.
In addition:
- $7.0 – American Rescue Plan and state funds to expand broadband access for students and rural areas.
- $4.0 – Behavioral health treatment for all Californians age 25 and younger, for a five-year period.
- $2.0 – To create $500 college savings accounts for low-income children and youth, with an additional $500 for foster and homeless youth.
“After a tough pandemic year that has tested us all, we welcome Governor Newsom’s May Revise budget proposal for its historic commitment to public education and the support California students need at all stages of their lives, from expanding transitional kindergarten to significant investments in K-12 and higher education,” says CTA President E. Toby Boyd.
“We commend the governor’s proposals for investing in academic programs as well as mental health and social and family supports, including the prioritization of establishing community schools for this coming year and beyond.”
Boyd also commends Newsom’s transitional kindergarten initiatives, proposed investments in teacher training, support for educators in high-need schools, and resources to reduce staffing ratios and hire additional teachers, nurses and counselors. But he notes that some funding is one time only.
“As classroom experts, we do recognize that some of these investments are one-time dollars, and that is challenging for ongoing program supports,” Boyd says.
An unexpected surplus of $76 billion from tax revenue plus $27 billion in federal aid were key to Newsom’s $267.8 billion budget proposal.
The Legislature is holding budget hearings through May. It must pass a budget by June 15, and Newsom is required to sign it by June 30.