Our Union Reaches Agreement with the Governor to Protect School Funding – Onward to the Legislature
We have reached an agreement with Governor Newsom regarding the Budget and Proposition 98 to protect funding for education. This agreement maintains the transformative education investments made in recent years. Overall, the agreement provides stability for schools both in the short and long-term.
The Breakdown
- Provides the same funding level as the Governor’s May Revision this year, but guarantees both short-term and long-term funding for education is maintained.
- “Suspends” the Prop 98 minimum guarantee in 2023-24 by $5.5 billion, to be repaid to schools and community colleges over time.
- Includes $8.4 billion in Prop 98 reserves and $2.6 billion in deferrals to maintain programmatic funding.
The Governor’s proposed May budget made significant reductions to the Prop 98 minimum guarantee.
This included a funding “maneuver” that would have counted $8.8 billion in previous payments to schools and community colleges “off the books” reducing the long-term Prop 98 funding level.
Fortunately, we came to an agreement with the Governor. The agreement reached with the Governor to protect public school funding is a critical step forward for California’s schools and communities. It ensures that students, educators and families aren’t impacted by cuts to the classroom this year while protecting future year education funding. This agreement is also “fiscally neutral” and will not negatively impact other areas of the budget including healthcare and social services.
As we grapple with a massive deficit in our state, it’s vital for allies to work together to protect fundamental public services that our communities deserve. In the coming weeks, we will continue our advocacy with legislators along with our public campaign to protect public school funding in the state budget.
The Legislature Must Act Now!
Urge the Legislature to adopt the Prop 98 budget agreement that is aligned with the state constitution and protects long-term funding for K-14 education.
Take action today by adding your name to the petition!
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Our Response to Governor Newsom’s Revised 2024-2025 State Budget
“As educators, we agree with Governor Newsom that we need to preserve the progress we’ve made in funding for public education. Any cuts to education would have dire implications for our public schools, further exacerbating the inequities we see in our classrooms every day.”
Contact NewsDesk@cta.org
SACRAMENTO — California Teachers Association (CTA) President David B. Goldberg issued a statement following today’s presentation of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s May revised 2024-2025 state budget:
“As educators, we agree with Governor Newsom that we need to preserve the progress we’ve made in funding for public education. Any cuts to education would have dire implications for our public schools, further exacerbating the inequities we see in our classrooms every day.
“As always, we will closely monitor any attempt to weaken the constitutional protections behind the Proposition 98 funding guarantee. Eroding this guarantee would harm schools for years to come and create the conditions for larger class sizes, fewer counselors, school nurses, and mental health professionals, cuts to essential school programs and potential layoffs. All while California is in the bottom half of per pupil spending in the country. Proposition 98, passed by California voters and enshrined in the California constitution, provides protections and mechanisms that have been used in the past to ensure that, even in times of economic downturn, funding for California’s schools is secured.
“Educators and our students are also part of the very communities being impacted by the proposed cuts to other programs that our students and families rely on. The impact of any cuts to critical programs like healthcare and other essential services will be felt far and wide.
“At a time when our economy is booming for corporations and their wealthy CEOs, we strongly believe that the Governor and California legislators should be raising additional revenues and investing more resources into our communities and schools, not less. We urge the Governor and the Legislature to raise new revenues and close corporate tax loopholes so our state doesn’t continue to encounter these impossible budget situations where only the wealthiest Californians win.
“We will continue to work with the Governor and the Legislature to safeguard constitutionally protected school funding for the 2024-25 budget year and beyond.”
The 310,000-member CTA is affiliated with the 3-million-member National Education Association.