The Largest Democratic Deliberative Assembly in the World
The NEA Representative Assembly is the largest democratic deliberative assembly in the world. The RA consists of nearly 8,000 delegates representing state and local affiliates, student members, retired members, and other segments of the united education profession.
California sends about 1,000 delegates to the RA each summer.
During this annual meeting, CTA members help set policy and chart the direction of NEA business through participation on various committees, constituencies, caucuses, and leadership groups.
Convening Every Summer
The Annual Meeting and RA is held every year during the last week of June and/or first week of July. The Annual Meeting kicks off with conferences, committee meetings, and events. The RA takes place during the final four days of the Annual Meeting. The location of the meeting varies year to year.
- 2025: July 2-July 6, Portland, OR
- 2026: July 3-July 7, Denver, CO
- 2027: July 1-July 5, Indianapolis, IN
- 2028: July 1-July 5, Washington, DC
- 2029: July 1-July 5, Kansas City, MO
NEA RA Resources for Delegates
How can I become a delegate?
Contact your chapter president or email