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✓  Release Time:
Release time request should be made at least 10 days in advance, include with your request to whom the letter should be addressed i.e., name, title, school district and address. Please e-mail to Blanca Zarate.

Unable to attend Liaison Meeting:
If you are unable to attend your liaison meeting, please e-mail CTA Vice President Leslie Littman with a copy to Blanca Zarate as soon as possible- normally at least on week so that an alternate may be assigned. Please indicate date, time and location of meeting.

✓  Conference Request:
You must have advance approval before attending a conference as a liaison. Please e-mail Blanca Zarate and it will be sent for approval. (When attending a conference as a liaison please use the liaison conference report form).

✓  How should I file my liaison Report?
There is only one way to file reports and that is online. Please see General Instructions for specific information. If you should have any questions please e-mail Blanca Zarate.

✓  Where do I send my Reimbursement?
All Member expense statements should be mailed to: Judy Zhu C/O CTA 1118 10th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. If you mail your expenses elsewhere it will delay the process. Please note your online report must be filed before your expenses will be approved.

Key learning points, any issues related to the liaison program please e-mail to Blanca Zarate. (Except when unable to attend a meeting please e-mail Leslie Littman with a copy to Blanca Zarate.
